About Us
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About Us
Community Development & Awareness Nepal (CDA Nepal), a national level professional Non-governmental Organization located in makawanpur, is emerged out as a result of the commitment displayed by active youths of the district for the rural development through strengthening the socio-economic empowerment of the vulnerable community. Since its inception in 2062 BS, CDA has been consistently involving in providing capacity development activities on various dimensions ranging from community organization development, leadership development, and youth volunteer mobilization to income generating activities including agriculture, livestock , forestry and climate change to drinking water and sanitation. CDA has also stepped forward to undertake research and consultancy on its related and relevance areas. The accumulation of field based experiences on development-social-people dynamics.
Organization Details
Community Development & Awareness Nepal (CDA Nepal)
What we have done
CDA has initiated community development activities in a partnership approach with local level CBOs.
Office Location
Hetauda-04, Makwanpur
Affiliated with
Social Welfare Council

Non-profitable organization dedicated for transformed self-dependent society, which guarantees utilization of local resources, equity, economic prosperity and balanced environment.
Credible, prominent and proficient NGO committed to uplift socio-economic status of miser and to bring sustainability in the development activities of the local people through environment friendly programmes.
To make maximum use of the local resources and utilize the local youth to make the full use of their brain and body so that each and every member of the society can be independent and ensure their role in maintaining good environment for bringing out the sustainable development in society, community and the nation as a whole.
Strategies and Approaches
CDA wishes to be diverse in its implementation process. It is strongly committed to work with various development partners having similar goals and objectives whoever they are or wherever they work even they work in extremely remote areas in the country,. There has been already established a wider networking and working relationship of CDA with CBOs of all the VDCs and the sub metropolitan of the district.
CDA highly emphasizes participatory approaches in organizational and operational level and show greater concern to ensure the quality services whatever it provides to its service seekers. Moreover it is highly sensitive on gender & equity considering as vital issue for attaining the sustainable development goal.